After initialization Wildfire opens it's Main-Window on a screen of
your choice.
All major program parts like the Processor or the Preferences-Editor
can be reached from within this Window.
Because Wildfire has a lot of functions and windows there is a
window-hierarchy. E.g., after closing the Converter-Window all
subwindows like the PictureList-Window or the YAFAAnimOptions-Window
are closed automatically.
Because the Main-Window is on top of the hierarchy you can quit
the program by closing it.
Another function of the Main-Window is to act as an icon-manager
like Workbench. For almost all files affected by the program like
animations, envelopes, images, ... an icon is created automatically
and placed on the Icon Area.
After moving such an icon into another window a filetype-specific
operation is performed.
@{" Converter " link ConverterWindow}
@{" Projects " link ProjectsWindow}
@{" Processor " link ProcessorWindow}
@{" Player " link PlayerWindow}
@{" TMaker " link TMakerWindow}
@{" Preferences " link PreferencesWindow}
@{" PlugIns " link PlugInsWindow}
@{" Icon Area " link IconArea}
@{" Icons " link IconsWindow}
@{" DWA " link DWAWindow}
@{" Log " link LogWindow}
@{" Info " link InfoWindow}
@{" Quit " QUIT}
@{" Add " link IconFunctions} @{" Cleanup " link IconFunctions} @{" Reset " link IconFunctions} @{" Load " link IconFunctions} @{" Save " link IconFunctions}
@node IconArea
@{b}Icon Area@{ub}
The Icon Area of the Main Window acts as a desktop. You can place,
move or put files on it.
There are four special icons which are initialized at startup
automatically. If you drop a file-icon over one of these icons a
filetype-specific operation is performed.
Trashcan: To delete icons and files. The default is to delete the
icons only. This behaviour can be changed from within
the @{"Icons-Window" link IconsWindow}.
Player: To play animations.
Viewer: To display images.
Editor: To edit or view textfiles.
The external programs envoked can be specified from within
the @{" Preferences-Window" link PreferencesWindow}.
On the bottom of the Main-Window there some addional functions which
deal with icons:
@{" Add " link IconFunctions} @{" Cleanup " link IconFunctions} @{" Reset " IconFunctions} @{" Load " link IconFunctions} @{" Save " link IconFunctions}
@node IconFunctions
Using this function you can put one or more external files on the
For example you could select 20 images to drop them sequentially
over the Viewer-icon and delete the ugly ones.
After pressing this button the Icon Area is cleanup up.
This function removes all file-icons from the desktop and
puts the four special icons on it.
The Load-function restores a previous saved desktop.
To make this operation as simple as possible a default
filename is used. This filename can be changed from
within the @{" Icons-Window " link IconsWindow}.
This saves the contents of the whole desktop as the file
specified in the @{" Icons-Window " link IconsWindow}.
PIXELIZE in out width height (ON|OFF) [(XY|X|Y) size red green blue dLeft dRight dTop dBottom]
CONVOLVE in out mix shift (file|matrix)
TWIRL in out (IN|OUT) centreX centreY radius amount power zoom
BUMP in heightMap out left top amount lightX lightY lightZ intensity
TEXT out red green blue (NORMAL|OUTLINE|EMBOSS) (LEFT|RIGHT|CENTERED) hSkip font fontSize italic bold underline color textFile [strength [lightX lightY lightZ intensity]]
ANTIQUE in out
HALVE in out
FLIP in out (X|Y|XY)
MOTIONBLUR in out deltaX deltaY
ROTATEBLUR in out centreX centreY amount radius
BLACKHOLE in out centreX centreY amount radius
MAGNET in out centreX centreY amount damping
WAVE in out centreX centreY (X|Y) frames frame zoom damping (ON|OFF) amplitude wavelength phase shift
AREXX in out port tempfile script
COMMENT [string]
PLASMA out width height dimension seed
EMBOSS in out direction
OILTRANSFER in out rect
MEDIANFILTER in out rect
ADD in1 in2 out (ADD|SUBTRACT)
RASTER in out
NOISE in out intensity probability seed
POSTERISE in out bits
ROLL in out deltaX deltaY (ON|OFF)
CARTESIAN2POLAR in out r0 phi0
THRESHOLD in out level
SHEAR in out originX originY amount (X|Y) zoom damping (ON|OFF)
LWOB out file width height renderSettings
DLA out width height iterations seed red green blue
NEON in out (TRIVIAL|HKC) red green blue radius intensity tolerance
SETBACKGROUND red greed blue
GSIMPORT out file resolution xGeom yGeom
EDGEDETECT in out contrast
LINEART in out
RIP in out
COLORREGION in out centreX centreY (INCLUDE|EXCLUDE) tolerance
RECTANGLE in out left top width height thickness red green blue
CIRCLE in out centreX centreY radius thickness red green blue
WIND in out (LEFT|RIGHT) intensity probability seed
PERSPECTIVE in out renderSettings
CUBE in out (ON|OFF) size (ON|OFF) alpha4 alpha5 alpha2 alpha6 alpha1 renderSettings
WRAP in out (ON|OFF) (RADIUS|AMOUNT) radius amount (X|Y|XY) renderSettings
WATER in out (ON|OFF) frames frame (X|Y|XY) originX originY times rings amplitude wavelength (ON|OFF) damping doXY=(ON|OFF) renderSettings
WAVE3D in out (ON|OFF) frames frame (X|Y|XY|RADIAL) originX originY originZ amplitude wavelength phase (ON|OFF) damping renderSettings
MAGNET3D in out (ON|OFF) strength srcX srcY srcZ destX destY destZ renderSettings
SPHERE in out (ON|OFF) radius renderSettings
TRANSFORM3D in out (ON|OFF) scaleX scaleY scaleZ transX transY transZ (XY|YZ|XZ|NONE) alpha beta originX originY originZ renderSettings
BUMP3D in out (ON|OFF) map amount (ON|OFF) width height (IGNORE|TAKEWIDTH|TAKEHEIGHT) originX originY (ON|OFF) renderSettings
JOIN3D in1 in2 out (ON|OFF) renderSettings
TWIST in out (ON|OFF) (X|Y|Z) amount dist originX originY originZ renderSettings
TWIRL3D in out (ON|OFF) (X|Y|Z) originX originY originZ amount radius power renderSettings
COLORCUBE in out (ON|OFF) mix (COLOR|ALPHA) (CURRENT|ACTUAL) red1 green1 blue1 ... red8 green8 blue8
SETCOLOR in out (ON|OFF) red green blue mix renderSettings
TRIANGULATE in out (ON|OFF) renderSettings
ZPLOT out expr xmin xmax xcount ymin ymax ycount red green blue (ON|OFF) gRed gGreen gBlue width height renderSettings
PARPLOT out x y z umin umax ucount vmin vmax vcount red green blue (ON|OFF) gRed gGreen gBlue width height renderSettings
DATAPLOT out file xQuant yQuant xScale yScale zScale red green blue (ON|OFF) gRed gGreen gBlue renderSettings
MORPH in1 in2 out frame frames renderSettings
GENLOCK3D in out (ON|OFF) (SINGLE|INRANGE|OUTRANGE) red green blue renderSettings
AXIS3D in out (ON|OFF) xMin xMax xTicks yMin yMax yTicks zMin zMax zTicks red green blue thickness tickSize phong=(ON|OFF) doLabels=(ON|OFF) (FRONTBOTTOM|FRONTTOP|BACKBOTTOM|BACKTOP) (RIGHTBOTTOM|RIGHTTOP|LEFTBOTTOM|LEFTTOP) (FRONTRIGHT|FRONTLEFT|BACKRIGHT|BACKLEFT) fontSize xLabel yLabel zLabel lRed lGreen lBlue renderSettings